Wow, sketchy but powerful.
Dispite how kinda' rough the animation was, it was really vivid in the story telling.
Really sad, but I really liked it.
Wow, sketchy but powerful.
Dispite how kinda' rough the animation was, it was really vivid in the story telling.
Really sad, but I really liked it.
Well, THAT was depressing
Life sucks, then you die. I really dunno what else to put.
aha, and now we know
THIS is why Link always has a companion of some kind.
I think I see where you were going with this
It was really kind of confusing to me at first, and either I started catching on to what you had intended it to represent or I started making up my own assumptions on what it ment. Either way, it wasn't half bad.
I adore the music by Tin Hat Trio. Gives me happy, happy and somewhat tragic memories of Tri-Achnid. I love that game.
Thanks for the good review!
This is THE "shit"!
Wowza! Dont get me wrong, the start was a little worse (Comparitively) but once you got going, the awesomeness just kept commin' outa' everywhere!
.... Wow...
Well, thatr would have to qualify as the single most... bizzar piece of fantastic FBF I have ever laid eyes upon.
'Had this huge long feeling of "Man, so THIS is what a drug-trip feels like."
Stellar work.
Phew, Intense -.-"
That what the most detailed level of cinimatic depth I've ever seen in a Flash movie. Greatly loved. I can't wait to see what kinda crazy stuff you pull-off in ep. 5 ^.^
oh, man, I totally Lol'd all over myself! Yeah, that is so "Rejected Cartoons" style wonderful!
Hehe, good work, Daj
Really wish I didnt get so damn lazy with my part for this. Keep me updated on any kind of Brushed*3, so I can be usefull for that ^.^
I wish you hadn't gotten lazy, either. :D
hehe I'll make a post and NGC with a link to the BBS thread when I'm ready for another.
Age 35, Female
Toronto CA
Joined on 11/5/03